In this fun and entertaining presentation, we will act as detectives looking for the prime suspects causing pain. The result is a plan maximizing the benefit from each therapy session.
16 CEU credits CE Broker 20-367855
You know routines to treat the neck, back, shoulder, knee…
Now learn to find which muscles are the key to a given individual’s pain!
Nov. 17-18, 2012
9am-5pm dailyPlantation, FL
$349 Investment
It’s like finding the combination to unlock the problem no matter how severe or chronic.
You will clearly see why it is imperative to consider all possible sources of the client’s complaints. Learn to catch what others miss!
You will see a demonstration of and will practice examples of each of the following:
Posture analysis Range of Motion Measurements Basic Orthopedic Testing
Movement Pattern Analysis Charting of Trigger Points
Tracking Nerve Pathways Evaluating Lifestyle Stressors and more!
You will understand the value of a thorough evaluation and written plan defining which tissues need which treatment for a given complaint.
You will recognize the importance of assigning priority and sequence to muscles being treated in order to obtain optimal results each treatment session.
This educational program is designed to be 60% Lecture/demonstration and 40% Practice
** This is the first in a series leading to certification as a NeuroMuscular Specialist.
Optimum Performance Seminars 954-463-5250
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Looks like a very useful seminar!
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