July 9-10 Neuromuscular Evaluation & Treatment Plans -earn 16 CEU credits

Whether you still need CEU’s to renew your license or simply want to excel and stay big steps ahead of the rest of the pack, check this out!

Neuromuscular Evaluation & Treatment Plans

“How well you determine which muscles to treat is a much more important factor in creating pain relief than how well you treat the muscles.” Dennis Price

Many therapists have advanced training and skills for treating muscles. This course is designed to train the therapist to utilize a more thorough evaluation to know exactly which muscles to pay more attention to. The therapist will learn to use a wide variety of assessments leading to the most efficient treatment plan for each person.
Know precisely:

1. Which Muscles to Massage and Stretch
2. Which to Massage, but NOT Stretch
3. Which to leave off the treatment plan.

We will explore the value of the following factors:
Client’s complaints and a thorough history – Tracking nerve pathways
Posture analysis – Range of motion – Analyzing movement patterns
Basic orthopedic tests – Trigger points – Numerous nutrition and lifestyle factors.

A treatment plan is then designed to address the best priority and sequence to massage, stretch, or strengthen the priority muscles in order to obtain optimal results each session.

16 CEU Credits from NCBTMB provider (451447-10) Dennis Price

July 9-10 2011

Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Invest only $349 to rise above the pack!

** Limit 10 students (first come/first served) to assure quality

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